Thursday, January 27, 2005

Five passport family

It seems that the Home Office mustn't have spotted Philippa bunny-earing Her Maj, because despite her antics, they've now gone and given her a British passport. No more waiting in the queues with all the riff-raff at British immigration for her.

Young Larry will be a British citizen, born in Britain, to two British parents. And yes Dad, I know it is all terribly wrong but I'm afraid he will also be an actual Englishman!

But of course he will be a little Aussie battler too, so by the time we get him all passported up, we'll be a 7 passport family.

And while on the subject of Larry, just a quick progress report: we're now going to ante-natal classes which are a tad scary, especially the bit where they get a baby-sized toy doll and squeeze it through a model pelvis.

Philippa continues to grow ever more bumpy and has luckily not been afflicted with backache and puffiness. She also missed out on morning sickness so I guess she has been very lucky overall.

Madness and panic is setting in as we try and get prepared for Larry's arrival. We're moving house next week to a bigger place, and we will need all the room because we're already mounting up vast amounts of baby-related equipment from various generous people. Phil's work colleague Sue gave us a baby basket, car seat, bouncinette, and sundry bits and pieces, Mel has sent a mountain of baby clothes, Marg Sawyer has donated a play mat thingy, and Mark O has bought us a Baby Bjorn. You'd never believe that a critter so small could use so much gear.

He's officially due on 3 March, so we're battening down the hatches and trying to get ready for him to arrive anytime after about 20 Feb. It's all a bit mental really.

Here's a nice calming pic from Hampstead Heath last weekend. Its been freezing this week, but nice and bright which is some compensation.

Monday, January 17, 2005

French landscape

Just had to blog this pic too. It is on the road between Carces and Aix en Provence. I can't remember what the name of the mountain is, but it looks quite surreal doesn't it. In real life it seems to kind of float beside the road in a spooky manner. I guess it looks a bit floaty spooky in this pic too.

Quick Christmas / New Year

Just a quick post of some pics for Christmas in Carces and New Year in Paris.

This is Carces at night. Very purdy innit? Marg Sawyer lived here for over 3 months, so got to know every surrounding village and winery.

The house had a tiny shower, and there was some concern if Philippa and Larry could manage to fit inside the cubicle. As you can see, there was not much room to spare.

Here is her bump in all its glory circa Christmas day 2004 - at 30 weeks. Philippa (and Larry) are continuing to get bumpier every day.

Marg and Philippa at Mill's apartment in Paris where we stayed for a few nights over New Year. Red hats are de rigeur in Paris. This is NY eve, just before we left to go to the restaurant where we ate and drank our way to midnight. Actually we didn't get home till 4.00 am.

The obligatory bunny ears pic. Happy new year to all. Love from Richard and Philippa.